Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Presentation Notes!!!

It is widely assumed that the Internet is a global information resource. This is not true. For many people in the poorest parts of the world, the Internet is both technically and psychologically inaccessible through lack of infrastructure, money, and the requisite forms of textual and computer literacy. 

The Internet has enabled entirely new forms of social interaction, activities, and organizing, thanks to its basic features such as widespread usability and access. Social networking websites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace have created new ways to socialize and interact.
Users of these sites are able to add a wide variety of information to pages, to pursue common interests, and to connect with others. From this, I have noticed that technology has come a long way.  

Mobile Phones are another form of Technology. 
The mobile phone forms the bridge between large distributed information repositories and local people, places, and things. 

The article was based on a project called the StoryBank.

It has tackled some issues by using the fast-growing infrastructure of mobile telephony to support an alternative form of information sharing in pictures and sound.

Hence, in the project they avoided the cost and bandwidth limitations of MMS by supporting Bluetooth P2P sharing between phones and Bluetooth/cable connectivity to a digital library repository in the village ICT Centre.   

I came across a Blog from 2011 about Mobile Phones. It showed one way that they can be used in a poor part of the world. 
It was about helping unbanked people in Africa.
       Using mobile phones gives them an opportunity for low cost banking. 
       It brings convenience of banking anytime and anywhere using the mobile phones as a means of authentication for basic financial services. 

Because of price sensitivity and the community orientation of life in developing communities, phones and other technologies will continue to be shared resources rather than personal ones for some time to come.

From researching this topic, I noticed how far we still have to go in making technology more accessible and culturally appropriate in other parts of the world. 

Week 4 Presentation Slides

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Task A- 'That's Rubbish'

I define rubbish as worthless and unwanted material that is then thrown out. 

The reason why I chose matches is that once they have been lit, you can't use them again.  They are of no use and need to be discarded. 

I chose match sticks as they were an easy medium to work with, thus making the alphabet letter formation an achievable task.  Being that this material is not pliable, I had to consider and work with a straight line.  Therefore, my overall outcome is one of an angular style. 

Alphabet Letters

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Workshop 1

In today's tutorial class I created 3D text using Repousse on Photoshop.